Steaming cup of common sense

Our proactive initiative is to inject a little thoughtfulness into our understanding of culture, politics, and the world around us. This blog will contain a mix of everyday observations, broad sweeping generalities, and everything in between. Grab your doughnut, pull up a chair, and sit down with your steaming cup of common sense. (That is until doughnuts are taxed too heavily and we become convinced that subjective morality negates the notion of 'common' sense.)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Real Public Nuisances

I’m sure many of you have read about a California law suit claiming that the manufacture of automobiles which burn hydrocarbons and release carbon dioxide presents a public nuisance. I want to comment on this from several angles in coming posts.

First, I want to say that the singling out of the auto industry for this type of problem is unfortunate. There are many similar unrecognized public nuisances which I hope they will ultimately address. In order to jump start the discussion on these problems which are equally or more dangerous, I’m providing a list of the top 3 here.

Oxygen and any process that produces it should be banned. Oxygen feeds the forest fires which plague California and the West. It also contributes to the combustion of cigarettes, marijuana, and crack cocaine. Oxygen promotes rust which depreciates the value of our bridges and automobiles. Despite the fact that it is needed by every vertebrate to breathe, we should take the bold step and ban it now. That means we should build a case against the agricultural industry and anyone who cultivates photosynthetic organisms.

Let’s not hide behind the clever marketing slogan “water” put forth by Big Water. We should more accurately call this substance dihydrogen monoxide. It is responsible for burns, drowning, impaired performance of automotive brakes, poor visibility, not to mention flood damage. We should start an inquiry into those who irrigate, build reservoirs, dig wells, etc.

Food is clearly the number one cause of obesity. If we were to outlaw food, the incidence of the overweight and obese would drop dramatically. We should move swiftly to address this public nuisance as well.

I’m sure proposals like these are already under consideration. We cannot tolerate the risks that these Big 3 unrecognized problems pose to our modern society. Some might argue that each has incalculable benefits which outweigh the problems they cause. They might suggest that every act of man produces both positive and negative consequences which must be carefully weighed. These people would probably also suggest that the elimination of the automobile would provide a greater public nuisance to California. We must not listen to these misguided individuals.

Hopefully, beginning with the automotive suit, the California courts will not only rewrite the law of the land, they can rewrite laws of biology, chemistry, physics, and human nature as well.

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Blogger HeadBangin' said...

Ben Stein had a great op-ed piece in the NYT on Sunday regarding this lawsuit. I guess they are called "tort" lawsuits, and they imply that a wrong has been committed. From the sounds of it, they will never be able to prove this as everything the automakers have done has been within the confines of state and federal laws. Ben Stein ended the piece with a plea for the AG of California to admit that he made a mistake.

10/02/2006 1:10 PM  

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