Steaming cup of common sense

Our proactive initiative is to inject a little thoughtfulness into our understanding of culture, politics, and the world around us. This blog will contain a mix of everyday observations, broad sweeping generalities, and everything in between. Grab your doughnut, pull up a chair, and sit down with your steaming cup of common sense. (That is until doughnuts are taxed too heavily and we become convinced that subjective morality negates the notion of 'common' sense.)

Friday, September 08, 2006

When The Ends Justify The Means

As I am sure many of our sensible readers are aware of, since… after all, knowledge is power, President Bush gave a speech recently regarding high level terrorist suspects from secret detainment centers around the world being flown to Guantánamo Bay for trial. In addition, the President was pushing the much indolent Congress to allow the use of military commissions for these terrorist suspects. We all know justice is not served without some form of a listening audience, oops, I mean trial (insert your own thought for what should be done to some of these mass murderers).
The interesting tidbit regarding this bill was most of this was in place at an early time, but the Supreme Court had to rule it unconstitutional due to no Congressional approval. In fact, supporting Justice Breyer claimed the court made its decision on halting these tribunals because “the concerns of critics had penetrated deeply at the court”. How can there possibly be critics to seeing justice handed down to some of these horrendous people, whether Congressionally stamped or not! Who are these critics? Is there not something more pertinent that Congress and the Supreme Court should be dealing with? The most disturbing part of all this is that our Supreme Court can be swayed by the “concerns of critics” rather than Constitutional bearing.
This also highlights another sore spot with me, which concerns the objections to interrogation techniques used by our government against terrorist suspects. The Pentagon recently released a report on Defense Department (excluding the CIA) interrogation techniques. In my honest opinion, when these despicable people are captured, if one single human life is saved through harsh or non-Geneva interrogation tactics, this government has done its duties to protect the nation. Isn’t that the government’s first and foremost obligation to its citizens? It is somewhat reassuring in my mind to know that there are groups or individuals operating outside the confines of our humane laws and that there are secret prisons around the world where somebody is ensuring that we remain safe, by any means necessary.


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