Steaming cup of common sense

Our proactive initiative is to inject a little thoughtfulness into our understanding of culture, politics, and the world around us. This blog will contain a mix of everyday observations, broad sweeping generalities, and everything in between. Grab your doughnut, pull up a chair, and sit down with your steaming cup of common sense. (That is until doughnuts are taxed too heavily and we become convinced that subjective morality negates the notion of 'common' sense.)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Lost In Translation

Religious Cult. We all have a definition for it, or at least some stereotypical view of what a group like this is. I think we can agree that one term to describe a religious cult would be a group who believes that they are “bettering” themselves through any means deemed appropriate by their leader(s). It is not necessarily a good means, but their deep, profound conviction for their religion and the guiding words of their Shepard blind them en route to some glorious life. Now, for as long as I can remember, a religious cult was typically held in low regard, often times associated with criminal activities (at least deemed criminal by the better majority) and secretive actions. I am not trying to say that every strong religious affiliation is a cult, but it seems that a line is crossed that is regarded as unbecoming of a society. The most popular ones that come to mind are the Branch Davidian at Waco or polygamist leader, Warren Jeffs from Utah. Some were dissolved peacefully, others not so. In the end, society deems that religious cults that conduct harmful behavior must be desisted. I don’t think many people complained for years on end when the government stormed the Waco compound after innocent FBI agents were killed.
Knowing what I believe religious cults to be, I ask somebody to explain how Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the followers from his country do not fit this bill. They believe an entire country should be eradicated because their god would want it that way. They chant “Death to Israel”, “Death to America”, and “Death to Germany” at rallies. They protest and kill at the desecration of their religion. They cast themselves as suicide bombs in the hopes that they “better” the world by eliminating Western infidels. Perhaps the most sickening part of all of this, is that people in this world respect him, give him a world stage to spew his hateful words. What happened to this world, especially this country, where a religious cult can be held to such high esteem? Perhaps the world needs to band together to ensure this cult does not gain further momentum. Make no mistake; they are a religious cult, just on a larger scale than we are use to. Does that absolve us from action? Can somebody who rewards and praises those that blow themselves up in order to “better” their religious convictions be reasoned with? In my opinion… no. But that is just common sense to me.

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Blogger Average guy said...

I think one criteria you've missed in our current society's determination of whether something is a cult is whether Christianity is involved. Both your examples were "Christian" groups. Non-Christian groups get more flexibility. That's why we don't commonly consider scientology a cult although it walks and quacks like one some times.

9/22/2006 9:48 AM  
Blogger HeadBangin' said...

Ahh, good point, but I am not trying to be hypocritical and judge one religion over an other. I believe the term applies to any religious group (as I am sure you do). In fact, I do consider Scientology a religious cult, albeit a peaceful one that doesn't have an apparent agenda to "better" this world, just to appease the aliens from a galaxy far away.

9/22/2006 10:35 AM  

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